Latest Water Archives - capitalpress


Irrigator group wants more ‘teeth’ for aquifer recharge proposal

Under House Bill 2988, state agencies would be directed to “reduce barriers” and expand the practice of recharging ...


NRCS takes comments on Owyhee Irrigation District modernization

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service will take comments through Feb. 18 on a plan to modernize Owyhee Irrigation ...


Ruling: Federal contract controls non-federal Klamath water diversions

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation can restrict a non-federal water diversion under its contract with the Klamath Drainage ...


9th Circuit weighs kicking Klamath lawsuit to Oregon Supreme Court

A federal appeals court has halted deliberations in a lawsuit over Klamath basin water rights while considering whether ...


Upper Snake reservoir outlook mixed

Improved snowpack and favorable runoff conditions are needed through June to ensure reservoir-supplied irrigators in the Upper Snake ...


‘Shark Farmer’ touts ag as a career

Today's farm kids need to hear that agriculture is an option for them, says farmer and popular social ...

