Latest Washington Archives - capitalpress


WDA director: ‘Pretty challenging time’ for farmers

Washington farmers face a “pretty challenging time,” Derek Sandison, director of the Washington Department of Agriculture, said.


Exempting Washington farmers from cap-and-trade taxes popular, bewildering

OLYMPIA — A House Republican said he was committed to finding a way to exempt all farm fuels ...

Orchard, Nuts & Vines

WSU: Climate change poses big apple challenges, particularly for Yakima orchards

A new study from Washington State University analyzed more than 40 years of climate conditions that impact the ...


Lawmakers look at small-scale solar to spare Washington farmland

House Bill 1847 would require utilities to acquire 10% of their renewable energy from small, customer-owned projects, known ...


Williams, Ray, Walter receive first Spokane Ag Show scholarships

SPOKANE — Three Washington high school seniors are the first recipients of the new Spokane Ag Show scholarship. ...


Washington lawmakers tackle cap-and-trade’s unkept promise

House Bill 1912, introduced by Moses Lake Rep. Tom Dent, has 23 co-sponsors, including 11 Democrats, a show ...


Washington bill seen as driver to fuel prices

OLYMPIA — Washington legislators are considering toughening the state’s clean-fuel standard by forcing suppliers of conventional fuels to ...


Agencies extend comment period for Columbia River review re-do

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation are extending the public scoping period for ...

Small Farm

Hay farmer offers financial guidance, community to growers

USK, Wash. — Jon Paul Driver gets a farm’s whole story the moment he sets foot on the ...


‘Shark Farmer’: FFA has social media figured out

Rob Sharkey and wife Emily spoke to nearly 1,000 Washington FFA students Feb. 5 during the Spokane Ag ...

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