Letter to the editor: Where does the most gas come from?

Published 3:59 pm Sunday, December 1, 2019

Now I admit I haven’t googled up gas so I’m far from a expert on cow gas, or people gas for that matter. But I never hear about human gas, and it may be more than you need to know about me but I think I pass a respectable amount of gas daily.

I know I’m no match for a cow but there are also 7.5 billion people in the world, some on worse diets than me. There is nowhere near that many cows. The human population is steadily increasing, whereas the cattle population is slowly decreasing over the years.

Now I think you are starting to see the problem with Washington’s Department of Ecology and their love of writing reports. They are not looking at the real issue again.

David R. Smith DVM

Ravensdale, Wash.
