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Irrigator group wants more ‘teeth’ for aquifer recharge proposal

Under House Bill 2988, state agencies would be directed to “reduce barriers” and expand the practice of recharging ...


Carcass removal program aims to deter wolves, ravens to protect livestock, sage grouse

BAKER CITY, Ore. — Mud proved a formidable obstacle at times, but an experiment designed to reduce the ...

Grains and row crops

Researchers, farmers stay busy with Palmer amaranth

New research into Palmer amaranth and farmers’ increased familiarity with the yield-slashing pigweed are positives heading into the ...


WDA director: ‘Pretty challenging time’ for farmers

Washington farmers face a “pretty challenging time,” Derek Sandison, director of the Washington Department of Agriculture, said.


Exempting Washington farmers from cap-and-trade taxes popular, bewildering

OLYMPIA — A House Republican said he was committed to finding a way to exempt all farm fuels ...


Trump predicts farmers will fare well under trade overhaul

President Trump ordered his administration to study all barriers to U.S. exports and said he will match whatever ...


Economists: Oregon overtime laws reduce profitability, worker earnings

An economic analysis confirms what farmers already believed — Oregon’s new agricultural overtime rules will negatively affect farm ...


Idaho mulls livestock depredation fund change

The bill would help more ranchers and make best use of available money, supporters said. The Idaho House ...

Orchard, Nuts & Vines

WSU: Climate change poses big apple challenges, particularly for Yakima orchards

A new study from Washington State University analyzed more than 40 years of climate conditions that impact the ...


Lawmakers look at small-scale solar to spare Washington farmland

House Bill 1847 would require utilities to acquire 10% of their renewable energy from small, customer-owned projects, known ...

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Bill would let counties override Oregon’s ban on cougar hunting with dogs

Under Senate Bill 769, voters could exclude their counties from the 30-year-old prohibition through ballot initiatives, though they’d ...

Orchard, Nuts & Vines

Oversupply, poor yields lead to California’s smallest grape crush since 1996

California’s grape crush in 2024 dropped 25% from the previous year to 2.92 million tons, its lowest level ...


Oregon proposal would tackle barriers to recycling wastewater for irrigation

House Bill 2169 would direct state regulators focused on the environment, water, public health and fish and wildlife ...


Potato Pest management seminar set

The annual Miller Research Potato Pest Management Seminar is slated from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 18 ...


Williams, Ray, Walter receive first Spokane Ag Show scholarships

SPOKANE — Three Washington high school seniors are the first recipients of the new Spokane Ag Show scholarship. ...


SEDCOR Ag Breakfast returns on Feb. 21

The SEDCOR Ag Breakfast is scheduled for Feb. 21 in Salem, Ore., and will bring together growers, processors, ...


Washington lawmakers tackle cap-and-trade’s unkept promise

House Bill 1912, introduced by Moses Lake Rep. Tom Dent, has 23 co-sponsors, including 11 Democrats, a show ...

Grains and row crops

Grass seed growers encouraged to account for all their costs

Grass seed farmers are well-aware of the low prices and crop surpluses plaguing their industry, but experts warn ...

Rural Life

Learn about buying, selling ag land with Salem workshop

Farm and ranch property sales are a bit different from typical real estate transactions, involving water rights, access ...

Grains and row crops

Grain commission surveys farmers on next HB4 GMO wheat steps

HB4 wheat is a transgenic wheat trait owned and sold by Bioceres Crop Solutions, based in Argentina. The ...