Letter: Get ready for coming cold period

Published 2:56 pm Monday, January 27, 2020

We are conditioned, threatened and shamed to accept many falsities and fail to do the research. The most destructive issue facing us now is carbon control control.

“The theory of manmade global warming and climate change based on human greenhouse gas emissions is the greatest international scientific fraud perpetrated on the world’s citizens.” So stated John L. Casey, author of “Dark Winter.”

Mr. Casey was the White House space policy adviser and is director of the Space and Science Research Corp. His book plainly states that global warming is based on unproved research and is just a play for control and taxation.

What the government should be doing instead is warning citizens to prepare for the approaching cold period. The last such period occurred in the 1812-1823s with great loss of lives, animals and property. Predictors of this period are numerous volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. According to Casey and leading world scientists this is a periodic occurrence approximately every 620 years.

We are being deluded big time with this carbon control hoax. There appears to be no concern for our safety or welfare.

It’s time to stop this fraud. We don’t need to be oppressed and taxed out of existence. All perpetrators should be recalled, impeached and removed from office.

Mrs. Mary A. Novak

Yamhill, Ore.
