Letter: Governor’s dam stance would damage E. Oregon

Published 9:15 am Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Why is our governor so bent on destroying the economy of the rural part of Oregon?

The article on the front page of the East Oregonian newspaper says on the right hand side that she wants to help flood victims, which she should.

On the left hand side she wants to help destroy the economy of Eastern Oregon by endorsing the breaching of the lower Snake River dams.

First, it slaps our neighbors to the north in the face by killing their local economy. Next, she helps nullify all the work the ports in Umatilla and Morrow counties have done to get our products to market. She even damages the Port of Portland. The grain shipped from there comes from as far away as the Dakotas.

I just don’t think the knee-jerk things she proposes are very well thought out.

Dennis Culp

Hermiston, Ore.
