Letter: COVID-19 and the Constitution

Published 1:58 pm Thursday, April 30, 2020

This virus is a convenient excuse to impose more control on us and destroy the Constitution.

The shadow government employs the media to instill in us fear and frenzy but do not report positive news such as South Korea’s approach to the pandemic combining  quarantine with business as usual so as not to jeopardize the economy.

The president on his call to relax regulations on the quinine drug was chastised. But nary a word appeared in print about the hundreds of patients treated with a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. 

A sign of dictatorship and constitutional violation is evident in the call by governors and mayors for the shutdown of churches and religious services with threats of confiscation, arrest or jail. 

We hear nothing about Bill Gates calling for a nationwide shutdown patterned after China nor of his call for use of bracelets to monitor who has received vaccination and to use an infrared tatoo to monitor all citizens. It would be a blatant violation of the Constitution, as are the TSA, etc. This is dismantling of the Constitution by deceit, manipulation and increasing control. 

It would behoove us to make time to activate our vigilance and research.

It’s time to use Jefferson’s admonition: Use the chains of the Constitution to bind a runaway tyrannical nation.

A fitting Bible verse: Hosea 4:16 — My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Mrs. M.A. Novak

Yamhill, Ore. 
