Organic farmers want seat at the table in climate discussions

Published 12:15 pm Saturday, October 3, 2020

With wildfires blazing in the West and hurricanes blowing in the South, the Organic Trade Association has begun a campaign to elevate organic farming in federal policy to mitigate climate change.

Over the past two weeks, the association has held a virtual “fly-in” to meet with members of Congress to advocate for organic practices in science-based solutions.

More than 50 OTA members met with nearly 30 legislators, and OTA and its members are excited to be part of the conversation and helping to advance federal policy solutions, said Megan DeBates, OTA director of legislative affairs and coalitions.

“We’re advocating for Congress to develop policies and programs that help all farmers improve soil health, protect farmland, invest in on-farm renewable energy and increased research,” she said during a virtual briefing this week.

OTA is also asking Congress to support farmers who would like to transition to organic and more sustainable practices by reducing some of the barriers that exist, she said.

That support could address producers’ financial risks, infrastructure development, access to land and technical assistance, she said.

“We also want to ensure organic farms and businesses are given a seat at the table in the development of these policy discussions to address the climate crisis,” she said.

Overall, the response from lawmakers has been overwhelmingly positive, she said.

“Congress is really looking right now for solutions, especially with the devastating impacts to their constituents from wildfires, hurricanes, storms, floods and droughts that were seen across the country,” she said.

“They understand that farmers are on the front lines of this crisis right now. But they also are motivated by opportunities to help farmers to adapt to climate change but also to be part of the solution to sequester more carbon in the soil,” she said.

The briefing focused on OTA’s formal position related to climate policy and can be viewed at: .
