UI seed potato germplasm lab gets ready to move

Published 11:30 am Thursday, December 24, 2020

The University of Idaho seed potato germplasm program plans to move into a new laboratory building by mid-July.

Construction of the more than 9,000-square-foot building began Aug. 24 on Perimeter Drive on the Moscow campus. Ginno Construction of Coeur d’Alene and Castellaw Kom Architects of Lewiston are among those working on the $5.5 million project.

The program now occupies a corner of the Agricultural Science Building.

The new facility will have “separate space and more room, so we can store potato germplasm more safely, and also produce more plants,” program director Jenny Durrin said.

It will provide space to start a larger germplasm-storage program and to work toward increasing sales, she said, adding that it will have classroom and other space.

The program works to establish, maintain and distribute disease-free germplasm and mini-tubers for domestic and international seed potato growers and researchers. The Idaho Crop Improvement Association does all testing and certification.

The demand for plantlets and mini-tubers has increased. The university expects a three-fold increase in plant production over the next five years.

Increased output from the larger lab would give growers the option to reduce greenhouse production of mini-tubers, while more sales would reduce the need to raise fees, UI said. The added cold-storage capacity supports increased production and developing new varieties.

Other benefits of the new building include increased biosafety.

Funding sources include the Idaho Potato Commission, Northwest Farm Credit Services, private donors and the state.
