Agri Beef donates $25,000 in beef to Idaho Foodbank

Published 10:45 am Thursday, December 31, 2020

Boise-based Agri Beef has donated $25,000 worth of beef to the Idaho Foodbank to honor the 10th anniversary of Beef Counts.

Beef Counts has provided protein to food insecure Idahoans since 2010. The statewide initiative is spearheaded by Agri Beef, Idaho cattle ranchers and key Idaho beef associations. It is also supported by community fundraising and grocery retailers, including Albertsons.

There is no better way to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of this philanthropic partnership than Agri Beef’s generous donation, Karen Vauk, president and CEO of the Idaho Foodbank, said in a press release.

“It is fundamentally important to provide beef protein to individuals and families, giving them the essential nutrients to stay healthy in order to work through difficult times,” she said.

“It is even more special during the holidays because this program not only provides families the opportunity to enjoy a holiday meal together, but also gives them the gift of knowing that someone cares,” she said.

“As we kick-off 2021, we know that protein insecurity isn’t going away,” said Jay Theiler, Agri Beef executive vice president of strategy and public relations.

“We made our recent donation so families in Idaho will continue to have high-quality beef protein at their tables after the holidays are over,” he said.

“A core value at Agri Beef is to provide high-quality beef to our customers. It is what we do for a living, so it just made sense that we continue to give back to families in our communities that are experiencing tough times,” he said.

Since 2010, Beef Counts has provided more than 1.7 million 3-ounce servings of beef to the Idaho Foodbank.
