Letter: Governor should reopen businesses, too

Published 5:14 pm Friday, January 8, 2021

I feel compelled to communicate with Gov. Kate Brown about the present situation in Oregon and a major decision she has recently made.

Yes, we all know she and I have our differences, but I am struggling to understand why she has decided to open schools and not businesses.

I have seen businesses bend over backward to install safety barriers and other measures and comply with social distancing. Businesses need to be open and employees need to go back to work. Most people are being, and will continue to be, very cautious as long as this epidemic lasts. Let’s give businesses the same opportunity she is giving schools.

I challenge her to now end the ban before people and private businesses go bankrupt.

Most sincerely,

Liz VanLeeuwen

Linn County State

Representative 1981-1999

Halsey, Ore.
