Letter: ODA should extend pesticide license deadline

Published 1:34 pm Friday, March 26, 2021

In early 2020, the Oregon Department of Agriculture, in a panic over COVID, took the pesticide license certification program to virtual only. License holders with poor computer skills or a lack of devices or in areas with poor internet connections were at a loss.

ODA sent its employees home while everyone else had to continue working, regardless of risk. For a license due for renewal in 2020, the five-year time frame was shortened by 20%.

ODA doesn’t admit this. Training materials could be made available in many forms. Oregon State University has a modern print shop. DVDs and audio tapes can be easily and economically made available. Even OPB radio could be used. All that’s needed is some imagination.

Larger employers could monitor and coach their people to keep the licenses current.

It’s the individuals and older people who are being eliminated. Young people have the skills and devices.

The 2020 deadline should be extended. Considering all the loss and hardships of the last year, ODA should work with people. Concerns can be voiced at 971-719-6240 or pestx@oda.state.or.us.

We may never have open meetings again, and yes, we need to learn more computer skills, but ODA needs some patience also. The best stimulus check is a paycheck.

Ralph Locke

Sauvie Island

Portland, Ore.
