Letter: U.S. heading toward socialism

Published 11:50 am Friday, April 23, 2021

Do you want America’s Constitutional Republic to become a Socialist/Marxist hellhole dictatorship like Venezuela, China or Russia?

We are rapidly headed that way! How long will you sit on the sidelines while our individual liberties and freedoms and our nation are being destroyed?

Get informed by reading www.thenewamerican.com and joining the pro-American, anti-Communist, patriotic John Birch Society, www.jbs.org which for over 60 years has been a leader in preserving our Republic with a pro-Constitutional action program. Do it today!

Gun control is being unconstitutionally promoted with a Biden executive order. All of the Bill of Rights are individual rights. Gun control is about people control, not about reducing gun killings. The cities with the most stringent gun control laws have the highest murders and crime.

All totalitarian regimes have disarmed their citizens to impose their tyranny. Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals,” is dedicated to Lucifer (Satan), being promoted by democrat socialists, mainstream media and Big Tech. Alinsky’s three main rules are Polarization to divide people, Demonization of those opposed to socialism and Deception by fake news and lies. The end justifies the means. The 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto are also being implemented.

Our country is being destroy with the Biden administration’s open borders policy where they allow illegal immigrates to bring in drugs, diseases and terrorists.

Why are so many people supporting the Socialism/Marxism agenda to transform America into a dictatorship? It is because our education system includes the UN’s Common Core propaganda. The false philosophies of Dewey, Marx, Darwin, Freud and Keynes are widely taught from elementary to college.

Socialism destroys a country by distributing and controlling our wealth, stealing private property and killing those opposed. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao have killed millions after the people were disarmed and made slaves. We must stop tyrannical Socialism/Marxism! It destroys freedom! Get involved!

Adrian Arp, Ph.D.

Filer, Idaho
