Letter: Speak up to demand change

Published 1:24 pm Friday, May 21, 2021

In hearing a radio announcement that our state budget has escalated by billions of dollars and the governor, not knowing what to do with it, was going to fund immigrants to build businesses.

That didn’t sit well.

We are a compassionate citizenry and already fund immigrants.

This virus-driven economic depression has closed businesses, restaurants and caused job losses. Shouldn’t we who are responsible for this excess revenue be the beneficiaries? Corporate and property taxes can be canceled.

It’s my opinion but this is a lack of stewardship, accountability and concern for the citizens’ welfare.

I don’t know if anyone has called their legislators. One voice doesn’t make a change but a chorus of voices can bring about change,  accountability and justice.

Mrs. M.A. Novak

Yamhill, Ore.
