Letter: Not enough carbon dioxide in atmosphere

Published 2:15 pm Thursday, November 4, 2021

The current UN climate change summit (COP 26) is designed to lower carbon emissions from fossil fuels. The two largest polluters, the leaders of China and Russian, are not attending. China is building 43 more coal-fired power plants in the next few years. China is exempt from the Paris Climate Accord because it is a “developing” country. It will also be exempt from COP 26.

The U.S. is destroying its economy with unscientific carbon dioxide restrictions. Reducing coal and oil for power and transportation are making us dependent on unsustainable wind and solar. The wind does not blow all the time and the sun only shines an average of 12 hours a day. They require a 24/7 backup, which is natural gas. Nuclear power is green energy, but will be vigorously opposed by environmentalists.

Electric cars need an electrical source to recharge. China makes most of the solar panels and wind generators. China is eating our lunch! Climate change/global warming is all about redistributing our wealth. Also, control over the lives of all inhabitants on Earth with unscientific carbon dioxide restrictions. It is not based on real science. Over 31,000 U.S. scientists are opposed to man-caused global warming.

Supposedly, man producing carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is causing an alarming rise in temperature. It is impossible for the very small amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to kill the planet in a few years.

If the atmosphere of Earth is represented by a 100,000-seat football stadium, carbon dioxide  at 410 ppm would only occupy 41 seats. It is ludicrous for carbon dioxide to kill the planet.

Our plants are actually starved for carbon dioxide. They would like 1,500 to 2,000 ppm. Commercial greenhouses add extra carbon dioxide to enhance growth.

Adrian Arp, Ph.D.

Filer, Idaho
