Letter: TIme to end state of emergency, get back to normal

Published 4:13 pm Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Catching-up on my print media and appreciated your opinion “650 days of emergency and counting” with Governor Brown in her ivory tower extending our never-ending state of emergency yet once again with a complete disregard for our constitutional system, balance of powers and consent of the governed.

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground, observed Thomas Jefferson. The people we elected to lead our community of the pandemic are now a bigger problem than the pandemic itself.

The definition of insanity — we are never going to get back to normal, back to work, in school unmasked, and out of this mess in Oregon by voting Democrat in the next election. COVID remains an entrenched expression of their identity, control and rationale to continue reckless spending and increasing dependence on government to further their selfish purposes by robbing many tomorrows for today’s votes versus incentivizing individual responsibility and initiative that creates real opportunity and leads to the American Dream.

On the dole in the ward without dignity over plain old-fashioned hard work induces a spiritual and moral disintegration destructive to our national fiber and saps the human spirit, not to mention growing inflation that is robbing from everyone. If Americans want security at all costs and no risks to living life, then they can go bankrupt and into prison where they have no liberty or freedom.

Our political system is in crisis under self-righteous, one-party rule. We need to get back to the basic pillars of this republican model of government and to the “radical middle” where cooperation, compromise and normal is found, not the tyranny of executive orders and rules not backed by law.

Nate Sandvig

Neskowin, Ore.
