Letter: Buffer story criticized

Published 10:57 am Monday, January 31, 2022

Regarding Friday’s Capital Press article, “Inslee’s mandatory buffer bill failing to move.” Once again, where is balanced journalism? Jay Gordon is not a credible source. Jay Gordon is a public relations specialist who massages the truth whenever and wherever to increase profits for the dairy industry.

During his testimony to the House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gordon never acknowledged the very real threat of salmon extinction. Instead, he placed the survival of his 100 year old family farm on equal footing with survival of fish runs that have fed people for tens of thousands of years.

Responsible journalism requires digging for information. Spreading one-sided narratives for a special interest group does not qualify.

But, opportunity knocks. …Ask if the Washington Dairy Federation will support building fish passage to spawning grounds beyond the dams. The Dairy Federation can demonstrate good intentions by doing this and the Capital Press can garner the respect and praise of millions by contributing to salmon survival.

Jean Mendoza

Friends of Toppenish Creek

White Swan, Wash.
