Letter: Private Forest Accord a taking

Published 2:03 pm Wednesday, March 16, 2022

This letter is written by a third generation rancher and forest manager who owns and operates an Oregon Century Ranch business. I have seen more lean years than better years, but I enjoy the lifestyle and working the land.

This 2022 Legislative Short Session made me angry with the passage of the Private Forest Accord (PFA) legislation (SB 1501 and SB 1502). As a small forestry owner, the PFA legislation TAKES the use of over 14% of my timber production without compensation! The small forest owner “tax credit” is minimal and comes with an irrevocable deed restriction.

We have only logged 120 acres of our timberland, which is covered with all ages of trees. During our lifetime, we have planted over 143,000 Douglas fir seedlings. Our timber property is well managed, has good roads and it is well stocked with trees and grass. I cannot understand why politicians, big timber, and ENGOs (environmental non-governmental organizations) think they know how to best manage my property.

I understand the corporate timber companies supported the Private Forest Accord in lieu of “lawsuits by environmentalists.” Where is the signed, written commitment from the environmentalists that they will not sue for “50” years and not propose more regulation for forestry?

The buffers are supposed to help bring back fish. I believe if you want to increase numbers of fish, you need to control the predators. The obvious solution is to stop harming and killing the endangered fish yet people can buy licenses and tags so they can “take” those endangered fish. There needs to be an increase in fish hatchery programs. I protect endangered fish on our property by not allowing people to cross my property to fish the streams.

The government is literally TAKING my trees and property use and it is the last straw. I have done my share for the benefit of fish and wildlife and the accord wants more. Why don’t you, supporters of SB 1501 and SB 1502, do something to directly increase fish population rather than TAKING my land.

Charlie Waterman

Bandon, Ore.
