National feeder and stocker cattle report

Published 2:00 pm Monday, April 15, 2024



(Federal-State Market News)

St. Joseph, Mo.

April 15


This Week Last Week Last Year

207,100 238,100 294,700

Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold 2.00 to 6.00 lower. Moderate to good demand for all weights of steers and heifers, but with the continued downward pressure from the futures contracts, cattle feeders have been put on the defensive. The market is still active for those thin fleshed cattle but there is much more apprehension in the minds of cattle producers as the futures contracts fail to follow the cash market.

The cash fed cattle market only at 182.00, while most outgoing fed cattle need more than that to breakeven. The summer months of the Live Cattle contract have now dipped into the 160s, yet the feeder market has not gone down to make for breakevens that align with the futures.

Grass is green and starting to grow and fertilizer buggies at many co-ops were in short supply as farmers were spreading pastures and hay fields. With springtime grass popping up and low cattle numbers, some ranchers are backfilling empty grass with pairs if they can find them.

Many farmers turned attention to spring field work this week and corn planters have started rolling in nationwide.

Auction receipts are declining, as is normal for this time of year, and cattle feeders are willing to compete heavily to fill their pens despite a futures complex that is not supportive.

Live sales of negotiated cash fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains sold 1.00 to 2.00 lower at 182.00. In Nebraska, live sales sold 3.00 lower at184.00, while the dressed sales sold 2.00 to 4.00 lower at 293.00 with a few up to 295.00. Choice boxed beef closed the week 3.40 higher at 300.57 while Select was 0.84 higher at 295.54 for the same period.

Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal inspection estimated at 603K, 10K less than last week and 8K less than a year ago. Auction volume this week included 51 percent weighing over 600 lbs and 45 percent heifers.

Northwest Weighted Average Direct Feeder Cattle

Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT

April 12

This Week Last Week Last Year

1521 735 3566

Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers lightly tested but a lower undertone was noted. Demand moderate. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (68% Steers, 32% Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2-3% shrink or equivalent, with a 10 cent slide >600 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from CA, ID, NV, OR, UT.

Steers — Medium and Large 1

27 head: 850 lbs, 223.00 Current DEL

120 head: 900 lbs, 227.00 Current DEL

535 head: 900 lbs, 221.00 May DEL

Heifers — Medium and Large 1

175 head: 769 lbs; 222.00 Current DEL

180 head: 816 lbs; 217.00 Current DEL

12 head: 825 lbs; 216.00 Apr-May DEL

Steers — Medium and Large 1-2

230 head: 820 lbs; 225.00 Current DEL

12 head: 850 lbs; 222.00 Current DEL

110 head: 915 lbs; 215.00 Current DEL

Northwest Direct —

Northwest Direct —

Northwest Direct —
