Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 5:00 pm Friday, April 19, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.

April 18

Milk production in California is steady. Some handlers convey that preliminary records indicate April 2024 milk output is trending higher compared to April 2023 milk output and slightly above March 2024 milk output. Central Valley processors say inventories are manageable for seasonal peak production volumes. Spot load sales are noted at flat Class and flat blend pricing. Demands for all Classes are strong to steady.

According to the California Department of Water Resources, as of April 17, 2024, the estimated total statewide reservoir storage is 31.50 million acre-feet, which is 117 percent of the historical average.

In Arizona, farm level milk output is steady. No shortages for manufacturing needs are reported by processors. All Class manufacturing demands are strong to steady.

In New Mexico, milk production is strengthening. However, some handlers note week-to-week increases are less pronounced. All Class demands are strong to steady.

Industry participants indicate farm level milk output is seasonally stronger in the Pacific Northwest. Processors say current milk volumes are comfortable. Demands for all Classes are unchanged.

Milk production in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah and Colorado, is stronger. Processors convey milk volumes are plentiful throughout the mountain states. However, this is partly due to some equipment maintenance making more milk volumes available for spot buyers. Class I, II, III, and IV demands are strong to steady.

Stakeholders note cream supplies continue to be readily available throughout most of the region, and demand for cream is strengthening. Cream multiples moved higher on both ends of the Class II range and the top end of the All Class range. Condensed skim milk demand is stronger as well.
