ONLINE Dan Fulleton Farm Equipment Retirement Auction
THIS WILL BE AN ONLINE AUCTION Visit for full sale list and information Auction Soft Close: Mon., March 3rd, 2025 @ 12:00pm MT Location: 3550 Fulleton Rd. Vale, OR […]
Published 4:30 pm Friday, April 26, 2024
(Eugene Livestock Auction)
April 27
Receipts: 832 HD
Comments: Good strong auction again this week. Good quality cows and bulls $3-5 stronger. Lactating dairy cattle going to slaughter are facing some challenges and may cause a few hiccups and temporary price drop.
Top Cows: High Dressers: 104.00-135.00; Low Dressers 42.00-60.00; Top 10: 127.00
Top Bulls: High Dressers 120.00-148.00
Feeder Bulls: 300-500 lbs NT; 500-700 lbs 170.00-223.00; 700-900 lbs 160.00-261.00
Choice Feeder Steers: Medium-Large Frame No. 1&2s: 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs 260.00-304.00; 500-600 lbs 240.00-283.00; 600-700 lbs 220.00-266.00; 700-800 lbs 210.00-266.00; 800-900 lbs 190.00-251.00
Choice Feeder Heifers Medium-Large Frame No. 1&2s: 300-400 lbs 240.00-314.00; 400-500 lbs 230.00-306.00; 500-600 lbs 230.00-269.00; 600-700 lbs 190.00-258.00; 700-800 lbs 180.00-252.00; 800-900 lbs 160.00-197.00
Bred Cows: 1200.00-1580.00 HD
Pairs: 1275.00-2425.00 PR
Head Calves (Up to 250 lbs) Beef: 300.00-525.00 HD; Dairy: 7.50-400.00 HD
Feeder Lambs: 60-90 lbs 2.20-2.80 lb; 90 to 130 lbs 1.70-2.75 lb
Feeder Goats: 60-90 lbs 2.00-2.98 lb; 90 to 130 lbs 1.65-3.05 lb
Ewes: 0.55-1.38 lb
Nannies: 115.00-230.00 HD
(Central Oregon Livestock Auction)
April 22
Receipts: 214 HD
Bred Cows: Full Mouth Vacc: 1650.00-2050.00; Broken Mouth Vacc: NT
Pairs HD: Full Mouth Vacc: 2000.00-2450.00; Broken Mouth Vacc: NT
Butcher Cows: High Yield Lean 130.00-145.00; High Yield Fleshy 128.00-143.50; Med Yield 115.00-127.00; Low Yield 85.00-105.00
Feeder Cows: 120.00-147.50
Heiferettes: 140.00-165.00
Bulls: High Yield 178.00-185.50; Med Yield 168.00-178.00; Feeder 150.00-167.00
Sheep Ewes: NT cwt; Lambs: NT
Goats: Nanny NT HD; Kids NT HD
(Lebanon Auction Yard)
April 23
Receipts: 422 cattle, 147 sheep, 67 goats
Feeder Market Comments: The majority of feeder cattle this week were unweaned unvaccinated calves selling 15-20 cents behind value added cattle. Buyers are still looking for weaned and vaccinated calves with 2 rounds of respiratory protection. The cow and bull market was stronger 3-5 cheaper in the best Holstein cows were steady on the rest.
No. 1 and 2 Steers (Avg.-Top): 300-400 lbs 225.00; 400-500 lbs 255.00-275.00; 500-600 lbs 253.00-295.00; 600-700 lbs 238.00-255.00; 700-800 lbs 175.00-205.00; 800-900 lbs 133.00-137.00; 900-1000 lbs 152.00-182.00; 1000-1100 lbs 167.00; 1200-1300 lbs 163.00; 1400-1500 lbs 149.00-152.00; 1500-1600 lbs 141.00; 1900-2000 lbs 133.00-136.00
Heifers: (Avg.-High) 300-400 lbs 215.00-240.00; 400-500 lbs 249.00-280.00; 500-600 lbs 232.00-267.00; 600-700 lbs 199.00-220.00; 700-800 lbs 176.00-200.00; 800-1000 lbs 139.00-175.00; 1100-1200 lbs 152.00-159.00; 1300-1400 lbs LT; by the head 537.00-600.00
Best Holstein Cows: 135.00-139.00
Best Beef Cows: 131.00-137.00
Best Jersey: 115.00-119.00
Dairy Heifers: (Avg.-High) 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT; 1000-1100 lbs 136.00-139.00; 1100-1200 lbs 136.00-139.00; 1200-1300 lbs 138.00-142.00; 1300-1400 lbs 135.00-139.00; 1400-1500 lbs 138.00-144.00; 1500-1600 lbs 136.00-138.00; 1600-1700 lbs 139.00
Dairy Steers: 700-800 lbs 136.00
Feeder Bulls (Avg.-Top): 300-400 lbs 245.00-255.00; 400-500 lbs 244.00-270.00; 500-600 lbs 177.00-215.00; 600-700 lbs 165.00-170.00; 700-800 lbs 160.00; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1000 lbs 138.00-142.00; 1100-1200 lbs 162.00; 1300-1400 lbs 125.00. By the head: NT
Dairy Heifers: 800-1000 lbs NT; 1000-1100 lbs 127.00-139.00; 1100-1200 lbs 134.00-139.00; 1200-1700 lbs 144.00
Butcher Bulls: 144.00-168.00
Butcher Cows: 103.00-139.00
Top 10 Cows: 135.00
Top 50 Cows: 130.00
Top 100 Cows: 126.00
Top 150 Cows: 121.00
Top 200 Cows: 116.00
Bulls: No. 1 160.00-168.00; No. 2 124.00-150.00; No. 3 119.00
Top Organic: 145.00
Top 10 Organic Cows: 122.00
Pairs: No. 1 NT, No. 2 2200.00, No. 3 NT
Bred Cows: No. 1 1600.00-1700.00, No. 2 1350.00-1385.00, No. 3 NT
Lambs (Average-Top): 50-75 lbs 240.00-265.00; 75-100 lbs 235.00-265.00; 100-125 lbs 245.00; 125-150 lbs 205.00
Mutton: 75-100 lbs NT; 100-125 lbs 132.00; 125-150 lbs 80.00-112.00; 150-175 lbs 82.00-95.00; 175-200 lbs 71.00-92.00
Rams: 82.50-92.00
Kid Goats by the head: 30.00-145.00
Wethers by the head: NT
Nanny Goats by the head: 20.00-235.00
Bucks: 80.00-220.00
(Northwest Livestock Commission)
April 16
Heifers: Under 300 lbs 130.00-520.00 HD; 300-400 lbs 130.00-350.00; 400-500 lbs 214.00-305.00; 500-600 lbs 200.00-275.00; 600-700 lbs 155.00-250.00; 700-800 lbs 120.00-225.00; 800-900 lbs 100.00-200.00; 900-1000 lbs 79.00-161.00; 1000-1100 lbs 111.00-128.00; 1100-1200 lbs 70.00-118.00; over 1200 lbs 87.00-136.00
Steers: 300-400 lbs 185.00-333.00; 400-500 lbs 190.00-327.00; 500-600 lbs 180.00-333.00; 600-700 lbs 185.00-293.00; 700-800 lbs 175.00-250.00; 800-900 lbs 114.00-227.00; 900-1000 lbs 140.00-158.00; 1000-1100 lbs 89.00-137.00; 1100-1200 lbs 131.00-150.00; over 1200 lbs 91.00-135.00
Cows: 700-800 lbs 50.00-91.00; 800-900 lbs 72.00-124.00; 900-1000 lbs 71.00-159.00; 1000-1100 lbs 81.00-159.00; 1100-1200 lbs 100.00-135.00; over 1200 lbs 88.00-140.00
Bred Cows: 900-1000 lbs 975.00; 1000-1100 lbs 1475.00-2050.00; 1100-1200 lbs 1125.00-2025.00; over 1200 lbs 1150.00-2050.00
Butcher Bulls: 800-900 lbs 79.00-149.00; 900-1000 lbs 70.00-147.00; 1000-1100 lbs 76.00-156.00; 1100-1200 lbs 96.00-138.00; over 1200 lbs 130.00-157.00
Good Quality Cutting Bulls: 300-400 lbs 125.00-146.00; 400-500 lbs 140.00-270.00; 500-600 lbs 125.00-134.00; 600-700 lbs 156.00-189.00; 700-800 lbs 143.00-220.00
Pairs: 900-1000 lbs 1385.00; 1000-1100 lbs 1175.00; 1100-1200 lbs 1225.00; over 1200 lbs 1100.00-1425.00
Doe Goat: 100.00-195.00
Ewes: 100.00-130.00
Lambs: 55.00-120.00
Kid Goats: 45.00-70.00
Buck Goat: 130.00-265.00
(Producers Livestock Marketing Association)
April 23
Head Count: 956
X-bred Baby Cfs: NT
Starter Bull Cfs: 230.00-590.00
Starter Hfr Cfs: 120.00-475.00
Steer Cfs: under 200 lbs NT HD; 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs 239.00-269.00; 700-800 lbs 219.00-234.00; 800-900 lbs 225.00-235.00; 900-1000 lbs 149.00-197.00; 1000 lbs and up NT
Heifer Calves: under 200 lbs NT HD; 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs 240.00-262.00; 500-600 lbs 237.00-258.00; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800 lbs 215.00-220.00; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1000 lbs NT
Steers (Dairy X): under 200 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs 128.00-174.00; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs 160.00-192.00; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1250 lbs 130.00-189.00
Heifers (Dairy X): 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800 lbs 152.00-160.00; 800-900 lbs 152.00-160.00; 900-1250 lbs 139.00-160.00
Light Holstein X Strs: 600 lbs and under 135.00-160.00
Hvy Holstein X Strs: 700 lbs and over NT; 800-1000 lbs NT
Feeder Bulls: 600 lbs and up 168.00-208.00
Stock Cows: 2050.00-2085.00
Heiferettes: 134.00-153.00
Holstein Hfrs: 140.00-172.00
Jersey Hfrs: 81.00-90.00
Butcher Cows: 111.00-148.00
Shelly/Lite Cows: 52.00-124.00
Butcher Bulls: 91.00-147.00
(Lewiston Livestock Market)
April 10
Receipts: 818 HD
Comments: Strong on all classes with good buyer attendance.
Stock cows: NT HD
Pairs: NT
Baby calves: 500.00-700.00 HD
Bulls: 120.00-153.00
Feeders: NT
Breakers: 110.00-130.00
Boning: 124.00-138.00
Canners: 85.00-105.00
Steers: 300-400 lbs 300.00-330.00; 400-500 lbs 284.00-327.50; 500-600 lbs 270.00-330.00; 600-700 lbs 270.00-309.00; 700-800 lbs 230.00-255.00 LT; 800-900 lbs 208.00-250.00; 900-1000 lbs NT; 1000 lbs and up 130.00-147.00
Heifers: 300-400 lbs 276.00-290.00; 400-500 lbs 241.00-302.50; 500-600 lbs 244.00-305.00; 600-700 lbs 240.00-271.00; 700-800 lbs 214.00-226.00; 800-900 lbs 205.00-217.50; 900-1000 lbs 190.00; 1000 lbs and up NT
(Turlock Livestock Auction Yard)
April 23
Receipts: 718 HD
Comment: The receipts were up for this advertised feeder sale. We saw a good test on most weight classes. Weigh cows and bulls steady to 3 cents better compared to a week ago.
No. 1 Med and Large Frame Steers (2 rounds of shots): 300-400 lbs 310.00-367.00; 400-500 lbs 300.00-382.00; 500-600 lbs 292.00-360.00; 600-700 lbs 250.00-270.00; 700-800 lbs 224.00-243.00; 800-900 lbs 205.00-232.50
No. 2 Med and Large Frame Steers (1 round of shots): 300-400 lbs 230.00-309.00; 400-500 lbs 230.00-299.00; 500-600 lbs 210.00-291.00; 600-700 lbs 196.00-249.00; 700-800 lbs 180.00-223.00; 800-900 lbs 150.00-204.00
No. 1 Med and Large Frame Heifers (2 rounds of shots): 300-400 lbs 280.00-350.00; 400-500 lbs 275.00-367.00; 500-600 lbs 265.00-312.00; 600-700 lbs 225.00-250.00; 700-800 lbs 210.00-227.00; 800-900 lbs 198.00-218.00
No. 2 Med and Large Frame Heifers (1 round of shots): 300-400 lbs 200.00-279.00; 400-500 lbs 170.00-274.00; 500-600 lbs 165.00-264.00; 600-700 lbs 147.00-224.00; 700-800 lbs 141.00-209.00; 800-900 lbs 130.00-189.00
Weigh Beef Cows: High Yielding 118.00-139.00; Med Yielding 108.00-117.00; Low Yielding 60.00-107.00
Weigh Holstein Dairy Cows: High Yielding 110.00-125.00; Med Yielding 98.00-109.00; Low Yielding 50.00-97.00
Weigh Jersey Dairy Cows: High Yielding 107.00-119.00; Med Yielding 88.00-106.00; Low Yielding 40.00-87.00
Weigh Bulls: High Yielding 142.00-152.50; Med Yielding 130.00-141.00; Low Yielding 114.00-129.00
(Chehalis Livestock Market)
April 19
Totals: 374 HD cattle, 8 HD pigs, goats, sheep
Top SLA Cows: 135.00
Top 10 Average: 131.26
Top 20 Average: 128.40
Top 50 Average: 122.39
Organic Slaughter: 80.00-124.00
Shells, Thin, Small: 70.00 cwt and down
Top SLA Bulls: 128.00-147.00 cwt
Average SLA Bulls: 95.00-125.00
Steers: 300-450 lbs 185.00-275.00; 500-650 lbs 182.00-270.00; 700-850 lbs 167.00-275.00; Heavy 139.00-187.00
Heifers: 300-450 lbs 165.00-237.00; 500-650 lbs 155.00-227.00; 700-850 lbs 155.00-250.00; Heavy 125.00-180.00
Holstein Steers: 130.00-165.00
Feeder Bulls: 300-450 lbs 165.00-215.00 cwt; 500-650 lbs 167.00-225.00; 700-850 lbs 141.00-172.00; Heavy NT
Bred Cow Best: 1400.00-1675.00 HD; Average 850.00-1010.00
Beef Pairs Best: 1810.00-2050.00 HD; Average: 1175.00-1400.00 HD
Dairy Cattle: Top Springers 1150.00-1225.00 HD; Top 5 Ave Springers NT HD; Average Dairy Springer NT HD; Bred Hol Heifers NT HD; Open Heifers NT
Baby Calves: Hol Bulls Small 5.00-10.00 HD; Med 70.00 HD; Large 130.00-160.00 HD; Hol Heifers NT; X-bred beef 225.00 HD; Started Beef NT HD
Weiner Pigs: 175.00 HD (under 80 lbs)
Feeder Pigs: 300.00 HD (80-100 lbs)
Block Hogs: 120.00 (over 100 lbs)
Sows: 55.00 HD
Boars: 50.00 HD
Goats: Small 10.00-25.00 HD; Med 40.00-60.00 HD; Large 70.00-200.00 HD
Lambs: 185.00 HD
Ewes: 220.00 HD heavy; 80.00-150.00 HD light
Ram: 100.00-270.00 HD
(Toppenish Livestock Commission)
April 18
1,832 HD
Choice Steers: 300-400 lbs 150.00-340.00; 400-500 lbs 150.00-340.00; 500-600 lbs 150.00-325.00; 600-700 lbs 150.00-310.00; 700-800 lbs 140.00-245.00; 800-900 lbs 140.00-240.00; 900-1000 lbs 140.00-203.00; 1000-1100 lbs NT; 1100-1300 lbs NT; 1500-2000 NT
Choice Heifers: 300-400 lbs 140.00-310.00; 400-500 lbs 140.00-320.00; 500-600 lbs 140.00-315.00; 600-700 lbs 130.00-280.00; 700-800 lbs 130.00-235.00; 800-900 lbs 130.00-225.00; 900-1000 lbs 120.00-190.00
Holstein Steers: 300-400 lbs 70.00-160.00; 400-600 lbs 65.00-160.00; 600-800 lbs 70.00-140.00; 800-1000 lbs 85.00-155.00
Feeder Bulls: 400-600 lbs 150.00-275.00; 600-800 lbs 125.00-225.00; 800-1000 lbs 95.00-175.00; 1000-1200 lbs 90.00-145.00
Butcher Cows: top cows 120.00-140.00; C&Cs 95.00-125.00; Shells 20.00-60.00
Butcher Bulls: High Yield 120.00-145.00; Low Yield 90.00-110.00
Stock Cows: No. 1 Pairs 2500.00-3300.00; No. 2 Pairs 1250.00-1500.00; No. 1 Bred Cows 1700.00-2500.00; No. 2 Bred Cows 1250.00-1500.00
(Stockland Livestock Auction)
April 15
Monday’s feeder special featured a good mix of calves and a strong run of cull cows and bulls. Slaughter cows were $10 lower overall, though there were still a few cows topping $145.00. Cows averaged $115.00-$128.00, with a top price of $145.00. Slaughter bulls brought $136.00-$145.00 at the top, and averaged $123.00 to $129.00. Just a few older cow calf pairs brought $1950-$2000, while young bred cows $2100-$2475. Feeder cattle were mixed to stronger, with a premium for weaned and vaccinated calves, as seen in the spread between top prices and averages. 400-500 weight steers brought up to $310.00, and averaged $267.45 across the board. Same weight heifers topped at $272.50, and averaged $228.14. 500-600 weight steers sold for $290.00 at the high, and averaged $272.15, while heifers brought up to $280.00 and averaged $254.96. 600-700 weight steers went up to $277.00 and averaged $255.67. 700-800 weight steers brought $252.50 at the high, and averaged $226.56, while heifers brought up to $229.00 and averaged $207.16.
Goat: under 300 lbs 105.00-190.00 HD; 300-400 lbs NT
Sow: 300-400 lbs 45.00
Hog: Under 300 lbs 55.00 HD
Baby Calf: 300-400 lbs 5.00 cwt
Bull Calf: under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs 250.00; 400-500 lbs 230.00-262.00; 500-600 lbs 200.00-257.00; 600-700 lbs 227.00-247.00; 700-800 lbs 160.00-192.00; 800-900 lbs NT
Bred Cow: 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1000 lbs NT HD; 1000-1100 lbs NT HD; 1100-1300 lbs 110.00-145.00 cwt; 1300-1500 lbs 116.00-127.00; 1500-2000 lbs 125.00-132.00; 2000-2500 lbs 119.00-136.00
Cow-calf Pairs: 900-1000 lbs NT; 1000-1100 lbs NT HD; 1100-1300 lbs 1900.00-2000.00; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-2000 lbs NT; 2000-2500 lbs NT
Cows: Under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs 110.00-151.00; 900-1000 lbs 74.00-148.00; 1000-1100 lbs 84.00-147.00; 1100-1300 lbs 86.00-145.00; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-2000 lbs NT; 2000-2500 lbs NT
Heifers: under 300 lbs 260.00; 300-400 lbs 200.00-270.00; 400-500 lbs 175.00-272.00; 500-600 lbs 172.00-280.00; 600-700 lbs 142.00-237.00; 700-800 lbs 126.00-229.00; 800-900 lbs 141.00-158.00; 900-1000 lbs 159.90-162.00; 1000-1100 lbs 97.00-136.00; 1100-1300 lbs 136.00-151.00; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-2000 lbs NT; 2000-2500 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs 675 HD
Steers: under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs 227.00-280.00; 400-500 lbs 185.00-310.00; 500-600 lbs 175.00-290.00; 600-700 lbs 205.00-277.00; 700-800 lbs 205.00-252.00; 800-900 lbs 139.00-232.00; 900-1000 lbs 195.00-212.00; 1000-1300 lbs 160.00-167.00; 1300-1500 lbs 107.00; 1500-2000 lbs NT