Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 3:30 pm Friday, May 3, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.

May 2

Milk production is steady in California. Handlers convey milk production is following seasonal trends since peak spring flush conditions.

Although processing plants are running busy schedules, routine equipment maintenance is also taking place as planned. Central Valley processors continue to report heavy milk intakes, but they also convey that the milk being received is manageable. Milk handlers report spot milk load sales are being made at slightly below flat blend prices. All Class demands are steady.

In Arizona, milk production is steady. Availability of spot milk loads is reported as neither tight nor loose. However, some processors anticipate tighter milk availability starting soon. Stakeholders indicate no changes in Class demands.

Farm level milk output in New Mexico is seasonally higher. However, some handlers convey 2024 milk output is down compared to 2023 milk output in year-over-year comparisons thus far. All Class manufacturing demands are unchanged.

For the Pacific Northwest, handlers convey weaker milk production this week compared to recent weeks and note milk production is lower than anticipated. That said, handlers also say peak spring flush conditions are still to come for the Pacific Northwest this year. Demands for all Classes are steady.

Reported farm level milk output in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah and Colorado, varies from steady to strengthening. Handlers indicate spring flush conditions have generally started throughout the mountain states, but also note the peak of spring flush is yet to come. Processors convey milk volumes are comfortable. Class II demand is stronger. Yogurt manufacturers indicate sales this year are stronger compared to recent past years. Class I, III, and IV, demands are steady.

Although a few stakeholders say less cream is finding its way to spot market offers, cream is generally available throughout the region. Cream multiples moved lower for the top of both ranges. Demand for cream and condensed skim milk is steady. In recent weeks, condensed skim milk loads have become more available.
