Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 3:30 pm Friday, May 10, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.

May 9

In California, milk production is trending slightly weaker.

Handlers convey preliminary records indicate May 2024 milk production is below anticipated volumes and flat compared to May 2023 milk production.

Handlers say heat levels in the state are starting to be a factor in milk output volumes. Although manufacturing schedules are busy, processing plants are absorbing farm level milk volumes. Class II demand is stronger. All other Class demands are steady.

Milk production in Arizona is also trending slightly weaker.

Handlers say the peak of spring flush has passed, and heat levels are negatively impacting milk production.

No changes in Class demands are noted from stakeholders.

In New Mexico, farm level milk output is steady.

Manufacturers indicate milk volumes are ample for processing needs. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Farm level milk output is steady in the Pacific Northwest.

Handlers convey milk production is currently at anticipated levels. Some manufacturers report milk volumes have been plentiful, and some spot loads have been sold into the market due to plant downtime. Class II demand is stronger. Class I, III, and IV, demands are steady.

In the mountain states of Idaho, Utah and Colorado, reported milk production ranges from steady to strengthening. Processors note milk volumes are meeting processing needs. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Stakeholders note cream availability continues to be comfortable. Cream demand is stronger, particularly with seasonal upticks in Class II cream demand. The bottom end of the All-Class range moved higher. Condensed skim milk loads are readily available, and demand is steady.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review -https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
