Letter: Candidate understands farmers

Published 1:00 pm Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Growing up on a small farm in Central Washington with all that entails, from having my dad put the old “three-on-the-tree” feed truck in gear because my feet didn’t reach the pedals, being the reserve grand champion in steer fitting and showing at the local county fair in 1986 (Yeah, I’m kind of a big deal … haha), changing water in my waitress uniform before a shift, to cutting the strings on grandma’s curtains to pull a calf (boy did we hear about that one!)

I can honestly say that Jerrod Sessler, candidate for Washington state’s 4th Congressional District GETS US. Unlike his opponent, Dan Newhouse, who went on the record saying that impeachment would be “unpopular” but did it anyway, Jerrod knows and appreciates that if elected his job will be to represent US.

As a farmer/rancher he understands the challenges that face US, from soaring fuel costs, to burdensome government regulations, to foreign interference. Jerrod understands the importance of the dam system that is the life-blood of our trade.

I have never been a political person but I strongly endorse Jerrod Sessler as our country depends on it. A vote for Sessler is a vote for America and the small town values we hold dear. For more information see jerrodforcongress.com and God bless the American Farmer.
