Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 1:30 pm Friday, August 30, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.

Aug. 29

Some contacts in California report year-over-year and monthly milk output upticks, but the overall supply situation remains somewhat snug.

Summer heat is playing a notable role in parts of the Central Valley as cow comfort continues to improve in much of the Golden State.

Spot milk availability for processors has been scant, due to the aforementioned seasonal conditions, plus the pull from bottlers as they replenish school pipelines. In the southwestern states, hot weather continues to keep milk solids near annual lows.

Triple-digit temperatures are still a regular part of the forecast in Arizona. In New Mexico, although it has cooled some, days are still hitting the 90-plus-degree mark regularly.

The Pacific Northwest remains an exception to the norm in the West. High temperatures in the 70s and cool nights have kept milk production steady in that area of the region. Milk solids are also reportedly in much better shape.

Contacts in Idaho reported some cooler days have been intermittent, but they are expecting rebounds in farm milk output over the next few weeks with likely improvements in cow comfort. Condensed skim availability has been tighter since the beginning of the month, but demand tones are somewhat robust. Contacts say Class III and Class IV condensed skim end users are actively bidding.

Throughout the region, cream availability has become somewhat less tight with the upcoming holiday playing a part. Cream handlers say finding homes for extra cream has not been impossible, but a little more difficult this week. There are expectations that cream will remain more available moving into and during week 36.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
