National feeder and stocker cattle report

Published 2:00 pm Monday, September 16, 2024



(Federal-State Market News)

St. Joseph, Mo.

Sept. 16


This Week Last Week Last Year

310,400 216,600 312,400

Compared to last week, several of the major markets as Joplin and Oklahoma City sold two weeks worth of receipts as they were closed the week before for Labor Day along with several other large markets that are compared to two weeks ago feeders were mainly lower trading mostly 4.00-8.00 lower spots 10.00 lower. In most cases calves under 600 lbs took the major price declines.

Price trends in many areas were split from the Southern Plains, Southeast Regions and Northern Plains saw uneven price trends ranging from 5.00 higher to 5.00 lower. Direct sales were mostly 1.00-6.00 lower.

The cash feeder market remains very strong especially on heavy yearlings over 800 lbs as this week saw many large strings of native yearling cattle with good weighing conditions sell on and active market through South Dakota and Nebraska.

There were some very impressive prices seen throughout these regions as on Monday in McCook, NE at the Tri-State Livestock Auction sold 180 head of thin fleshed steers weighing 810 lbs sold at 262.00, Wednesday in Aberdeen, SD at the Hub City Livestock Market sold 665 hd of 950-1000 lb steers averaging 971 lbs sold for a weighted average price of 233.81 and 513 head of their bigger brothers weighing from 1000-1050 lbs averaging 1032 lbs sold for a weighted average price of 230.06.

Thursday in Valentine, NE sold 483 head of 800-850 lb steers averaging 823 lbs at a weighted average price of 260.00, 540 head of steers weighing between 900-950 lbs averaging 936 lbs sold for a weighted average price of 247.17.

Burwell, NE on Friday sold 601 hd of 1000-1050 lb steers averaging 1012 lbs for a weighted average price of 235.22. Friday in Ft. Pierre, SD sold 895 head of 850-900 lb spayed heifers averaging 864 lbs at a weighted average price of 239.89.

In Herried, SD at the Herried Livestock Auction on Friday sold 598 hd of 850-900 lb steers averaging 878 lbs sold for a weighted average price of 249.96 and 623 hd steers weighing 900-950 lbs averaging 929 lbs sold for a weighted average price of 244.51.

Down South in Lexington, KY on Monday at Blue Grass Stockyards sold 65 steers weighing 939 lbs at 229.90.

Market remains very active on these yearlings as they are sought after, but buyers are not chasing the market as they did earlier in the summer. Cattle feeders are feeling a bit more cautious with their purchases as CME Cattle Futures have fallen into the 170s.

Corn Belt farmers are readying themselves for what is looking like a very bountiful harvest which is also helping to give support to the feeder cattle market.

USDA Crop Production report showed on Thursday had corn production at 15.2 bb up less than 1% from previous forecast with yields expected to average 183.6 bpa up 0.5 bushel from previous forecast and up 6.3 bpa from last year. Feedlot trade in the Southern Plains was mostly at 181.00 with the Northern Plains and Western Cornbelt at 181.00-182.00 and dressed sales ranging from 288.00-294.00.

Choice boxed beef closed Friday at 304.91 down 4.50 from last Friday’s close with Select down 1.95 for the same period. Weekly Slaughter Cattle under Federal Inspection for the week estimated at 620K, 78K more than last week, and 11K less than year ago.

Auction volume included 56% over 600 lbs and 43% heifers.


Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT

Sept. 13


479 683 730

Compared to last week: Not enough current FOB trades to establish a trend. Demand moderate. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (82.5% Steers, 17.5% Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2% shrink or equivalent, with a 8-12 cent slide >600 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from ID, NV, OR.

Steers — Large 1

300 head: 700 lbs, 250.00 Current DEL

60 head: 850 lbs, 233.00 Current DEL

Steers — Medium and Large 1-2

35 head: 658 lbs, 240.00 Current FOB

Heifers — Medium and Large 1-2

60 head: 850 lbs; 223.00 Current DEL

Heifers — Medium and Large 2

24 head: 829 lbs; 198.00 Current FOB

Northwest Direct:
