Idaho water board awards $12.4 million in infrastructure grants

Published 9:30 am Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Idaho Water Resource Board at its Sept. 12-13 meeting approved 23 aging infrastructure grants worth about $12.4 million.

The legislature in 2022 appropriated $75 million to the board for projects that address system sustainability, rehabilitate or improve aging infrastructure or support flood management.

Projects involving irrigation water storage, delivery, drainage or treatment are targeted. The competitive, scored grants can cover up to one-third of the costs.

The current round of funding, the fifth, went to “an excellent slate of projects,” Jo Ann Cole Hansen, who chairs the board’s finance committee, said in a news release. “The projects are well distributed across the state.”

• City of Cottonwood, $2 million. Replace, expand wastewater re-use irrigation system.

• Monteview Canal Co., $2 million. Irrigation system efficiency improvement, modernization.

• New Sweden Irrigation District, Idaho Falls, $1,162,864. Relocate and replace siphon.

• Twin Lakes Canal Co., Weston, $1,633,500. Replace siphon and bridge across Bear River.

• Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District, $109,185.38. Replace Ten Mile Spillway.

• Riverside Irrigation District, Parma, $524,081.25. Stabilize, regrade slope adjacent to Riverside Irrigation Canal.

• Fremont-Madison Irrigation District, St. Anthony, $69,320.13. Install automation, remote control and data collection equipment on six control structures.

• Boise Valley Irrigation Ditch Co., $105,811. Pipe 920-foot section of open canal.

• Snake River Valley Irrigation District, Basalt, $214,846.50. Replace splitter structure at junction of east and west branch canals.

• Woodmansee-Johnson Canal Co., Sugar City, $39,520. Install new main diversion structure with automated headgate.

• Water District 65, Payette, $63,301.26. Install real-time measurement technology on 100 diversion channels.

• Falls Irrigation District, American Falls, $40,198. Replace and automate headgates on East Canal check structure.

• Minidoka Irrigation District B2, Rupert, $89,431.21. Replace and automate B2 check and diversion structure.

• Moore Canal Water Users, $379,952. Pipe about 3.5 miles of laterals where high seepage occurs.

• Minidoka Irrigation District D5, Rupert, $68,296.22. Replace D5 drain, pump and canal site that recaptures surface water lost to seepage.

• Consolidated Farmers Canal Co., Rexburg, $90,250. Replace inverted siphon underneath Teton River.

• Settlers Irrigation District, Boise, $93,135.24. Replace headworks structure, install automation equipment.

• Consolidated Irrigation Co., Preston, $709,500. Replace sections of pipe, replace a canal section with pipe.

• Burnett Water Users, Arco area, $1,914,000. Pipe 6 miles of canal where high seepage occurs.

• Darlington Water Users Association, $1,027,950. Pipe 2.5 miles of canal where high seepage occurs.

• Davis Water Users, north Boise, $12,375. Replace 270 feet of pipe where root infiltration occurs.

• A&B Irrigation District, Rupert, $31,350. Upgrade headquarters software, extract and reconfigure data.

• Palisade Irrigation Co., Irwin, $15,403.41. Build four broad-crested weirs, one of which will receive a new measurement device.
