Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 3:15 pm Friday, November 1, 2024

Western U.S. milk and cream report

Oct. 31

Milk production remains trending weaker in California. Stakeholders convey herd health issues continue to negatively impact milk output. Some handlers convey preliminary records indicate October 2024 milk production decreased compared to October 2023 milk production and is under forecasted volumes. Spot milk load availability is tighter, and manufacturers indicate some open processing capacity throughout the state. Demands for all Classes are steady.

In Arizona, milk production is somewhat stronger. However, stakeholders convey spot load availability is tight. According to the National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS), 2024 September milk production decreased by 17 million pounds compared to 2023 September milk production, which represents a negative 4.6 percent change. Demands for all Classes are unchanged.

In New Mexico, farm level milk output is strengthening somewhat. According to NASS, the number of milk cows in September 2024 compared to September 2023 decreased from 265,000 head to 239,000 head, and September 2024 milk production compared to 2023 milk production decreased from 519 million pounds to 472 million pounds. All Class demands are steady.

Milk production in the Pacific Northwest is stronger. Handlers note milder weather is positively contributing to milk output at above anticipated volumes. Milk volumes are ample for manufacturing needs, and all Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Farm level milk output in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado is stronger. Manufacturers indicate milk volumes are generally balanced, and demand for spot milk is mixed. All Class demands are unchanged.

Plenty of cream is available throughout the region. Although cream multiples moved lower, some stakeholders convey stronger demand for cream, and in some cases, loads are being bought for more eastern region delivery locations. Condensed skim milk availability is mixed. Condensed skim milk demand is steady.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
