Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 9:30 am Friday, November 15, 2024

Western U.S. milk and cream report

Nov. 14

In California, handlers convey milk production differences varying from somewhat stronger to somewhat weaker this week compared to the prior week.

In some cases, handlers indicate milder weather has positively impacted cow comfort and milk production.

On the flip side, some other handlers indicate non-weather factors have negatively impacted milk production. Spot milk load availability is tight. Manufacturers report plenty of processing capacity is available throughout the state. Demands for all Classes are steady.

Milk production in Arizona is strengthening. However, handlers also indicate year-over-year milk output continues to be down. Like in California, spot load milk availability is tight. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

In New Mexico, farm level milk output is strengthening as well. Stakeholders indicate spot milk loads are not plentiful, but ample for production needs. All Class demands are steady.

Handlers in the Pacific Northwest describe milk production as steady and in-line with anticipated volumes this week. Stakeholders convey traditionally colder temperatures have not begun, but some parts of the area have received small amounts of snowfall. Manufacturers note milk volumes are in good balance with processing capacities. Class I, II, III, and IV, demands are steady.

Farm level milk output in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado is noted as steady or stronger. Stakeholders indicate comparatively looser spot milk availability in the mountain states than the rest of the West region, and some spot milk loads continue to move into the Midwest. Demands for all Classes are unchanged. Cream volumes continue to generally be far from the short end of the spectrum.

However, with some tighter cream availability in the southwest portion of the region compared to the prior week, cream multiples on the top end ticked higher. Cream demand is mixed. Condensed skim milk demand is steady, while availability is generally tighter in the southwest portion of the region compared to rest of the West.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
