Idaho DEQ awards water system planning grants

Published 7:00 am Friday, November 22, 2024

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has awarded more than $182,000 in water facility planning grants to two communities and three user associations.

Recipients will use the money to prepare planning studies and identify needed system improvements, according to the department.

Gov. Brad Little and the Legislature in recent years increased funding for water infrastructure improvements to address needs amid growth.

The grants provide assistance to wastewater and drinking water systems. Recipients develop engineering reports that identify the most cost-effective, environmentally sound method of upgrading or expanding a system to comply with state and federal standards, according to the department.

Grants cover up to half of planning costs. The remaining cost is the recipient’s responsibility. The number of grants each year is limited to available funding, and funds are committed to the highest ranked projects.

The maximum match has been $45,000 for drinking water and $65,000 for wastewater planning grants, respectively, according to the department.

•City of Grangeville: Grant $65,000, project cost $256,000. Prepare wastewater planning study, identify needed improvements to existing system.

•City of Middleton: Grant $40,880, project cost $81,579. Prepare wastewater planning study and identify needed improvements to existing system.

•Woodland Shores Water and Sewer Association, Kootenai County: Grant $22,500, project cost $45,000. Prepare wastewater planning study and environmental review, identify needed improvements.

• Cougar Creek Water Users Association, Bonner County: Grant $38,650, project cost $77,300. Prepare drinking water planning study and environmental review, identify needed improvements.

• Clarkia Water and Sewer District, Shoshone County: Grant $15,000, project cost $40,000. Prepare wastewater planning study and environmental review, identify needed improvements.
