Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 1:00 pm Friday, November 22, 2024

Western U.S. milk and cream report

Nov. 21

In California, handlers convey milk production is trending slightly higher over the last few weeks. However, handlers also indicate November 2024 milk output is down compared to November 2023. Stakeholders indicate the monthly milk production increase for November compared to October in 2024 is thus far below what is typically expected. Manufacturers note some open processing capacity is available, and spot milk loads are tight. Class I demand is stronger. Class II, III, and IV demands are steady.

In Arizona, week-to-week milk production is strengthening. Stakeholders indicate spot milk availability remains on the tight end of the spectrum. Demand for Class I milk is stronger, while demands for Class II, III, and IV milk are steady.

Farm level milk output in New Mexico is stronger. Manufacturers indicate milk volumes are sufficient for production needs, but spot loads are not abundantly available. Demands for all Classes are unchanged.

Handlers in the Pacific Northwest convey steady milk production. Handlers also indicate cow comfort is better than typical expectations for the season thus far. Stakeholders convey milk volumes are in good balance with manufacturing needs. Demands for all Classes are steady.

Farm level milk output is strengthening in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah and Colorado. Stakeholders note looser spot milk availability for this part of the region compared to the rest of the West. Spot loads are available for buyers to secure. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Despite some stakeholders conveying slightly stronger cream demand, cream multiples ticked lower on the top end of both ranges this week as cream volumes remain readily available throughout most of the region. Condensed skim milk availability is looser and condensed milk demand is in line with recent weeks.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
