Spokane junior livestock show dedicated to longtime volunteer

Published 10:00 am Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The 2025 Junior Livestock Show of Spokane will be dedicated to the memory of a longtime leader.

C.E. “Mac” McLean died Aug. 9 at the age of 94. He was an honored trustee, board president from 1982 to 1984 and served as show manager from 1986 to 1989.

“He was a longtime leader in our organization,” show executive director Lori Williams told the Capital Press. “He served as a volunteer auctioneer at all of our livestock sales and was a leader during a pivotal time in our organization.”

Described by the junior livestock show as an experienced cowboy, horseshoer and cattle auctioneer, McLean also served as the ag representative for the Washington Water Power Co. for over two decades.

A product of the junior show himself, McLean exhibited hogs as a member of Cheney FFA.

“He was passionate about providing youth with the opportunity to get started with livestock projects,” the junior livestock show stated in comments provided to the Capital Press. “Mac embodied the mission of the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane and we send our deep condolences to all who knew and worked with him.”

This will be the 90th Junior Livestock Show of Spokane. The show will be April 30 to May 3, 2025.

Photos welcome

The junior livestock show invites the public to submit pictures of “years gone by” in anticipation of the upcoming 90th show.

Photos could include show milestones, exhibitor moments, influential leaders and more.

People are encouraged to send photos, with captions, to pics@juniorshow.org by Dec. 15 People with printed pictures that can be scanned should contact the show office at 509-535-6737. Photos will be returned.
