Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 4:15 pm Friday, December 6, 2024

Western U.S. milk and cream report

Dec. 5

In California, recent week-to-week milk production differences are mixed. Both increases and decreases are noted for farm level milk output. In terms of year-over-year November milk production, handlers indicate significant decreases for November 2024 milk production compared to November 2023 milk production. Some handlers also convey November 2024 milk output was down compared to October 2024 milk output, instead of the more typical pattern of increased milk production.

Some stakeholders express sentiment that recovery from decreased California milk production this year will go well into 2025. Manufacturers convey plenty of processing capacity is available and spot milk loads are tight. Class I and III demands are strong. Class II and IV demands are steady.

Handlers in Arizona indicate cow comfort is improving, and milk production is strengthening, but remains down in terms of a year-over-year comparison.

Spot milk load availability is tight in Arizona also. Demand is steady for all Classes.

New Mexico farm level milk output is noted as strengthening. Stakeholders convey spot milk load availability is more in line with its eastern neighboring state than its western neighboring state. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Handlers in the Pacific Northwest report weather conditions have been milder than seasonally typical, which has improved cow comfort, and milk production is stronger than anticipated recently. Class I, II, III, and IV demands are steady.

In the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, farm level milk output varies from steady to stronger. Spot milk loads are looser compared to the southwest part of the region. Although some manufacturers are securing spot milk, processors convey milk volumes are in good shape. Class III demand is stronger. All other Class demands are steady.

Although cream volumes are snugger in California, and in Arizona to some degree, compared to the rest of the region, cream loads are widely available for the most part. Cream demand is mixed. Cream multiples moved lower on the top end of both ranges.

Condensed skim milk availability is mixed. Condensed skim milk demand varies from steady to stronger.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
