ONLINE Dan Fulleton Farm Equipment Retirement Auction
THIS WILL BE AN ONLINE AUCTION Visit for full sale list and information Auction Soft Close: Mon., March 3rd, 2025 @ 12:00pm MT Location: 3550 Fulleton Rd. Vale, OR […]
Published 2:15 pm Monday, December 16, 2024
(Federal-State Market News)
St. Joseph, Mo.
Dec. 16
This Week Last Week Last Year
319,800 389,400 274,500
Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold uneven; 2.00 lower to 2.00 higher. After last week’s sharp increase in grazing calf values, aggressiveness of buyers was tempered somewhat this week.
Cattle feeders and backgrounders are very bullish currently as the cash market is outperforming the futures, there is great hope that the cash market will continue at these levels. Very few sales remain before the end of the year and buyers want to make sure they get the cattle bought that they need.
Commercial bred cows hitting new records at area auctions. Several long-time ranchers are having complete or partial dispersions. Some may be retiring; others could be thinking it’s very dry and it’s time to sell when the price is really good, or both scenarios.
The WASDE (Supply and Demand) report came out on Tuesday with new-crop U.S. ending stocks estimates reported as bullish for corn, neutral to slightly bearish on soybeans, and slightly bullish for wheat. Increase in feedstuffs could certainly play a factor getting through the winter and into next year on the bottom line of ranchers that are cutting it close on breakevens.
The forecast for 2025 cattle prices were raised on tighter than expected cattle and beef supplies. Cash fed cattle market rose up to 196.00, the CME Live Cattle futures couldn’t keep pace as it ended the week 3.00 under the cash.
Negotiated sales of slaughter steers and heifers in the Southern Plains steady to 1.00 higher at 191.00 to 192.00.
In Nebraska, live sales were 3.00 to 5.00 higher at 195.00 with a few up to 196.00, while the dressed sales sold 3.00 to 8.00 higher at 300.00 to 305.00. Choice boxed beef closed the week 4.35 higher at 316.39 while Select was 7.13 higher at 283.86 for the same period.
Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal inspection estimated at 609K, 5K less than last week and 38K less than a year ago. Auction volume this week included 44% weighing over 600 lbs and 40% heifers.
Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT
Dec. 13
1026 277 1135
Compared to last week: No FOB cattle from the last report to make a comparable market trend. Demand was good with several buyers participating on back filling empty pens. Calf and feeder cattle numbers fairly tight in the region but feedlots are getting some livestock purchased. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (53% Steers, 47% Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 93%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2-3% shrink or equivalent, with up to 15 cent slide >600 lbs. and up to 20 cent slide <600 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from CA, ID, OR, WA.
Steers — Medium and Large 1
161 head: 633 lbs, 278.46 Current DEL
28 head: 667 lbs, 263.50 Current DEL
9 head: 700 lbs, 254.00 Current DEL
46 head: 813 lbs, 242.48 Current DEL
300 head: 850 lbs, 240.00 Jan DEL
Heifers — Medium and Large 1
65 head: 550 lbs; 275.00 Current DEL
62 head: 611 lbs; 251.61 Current DEL
55 head: 720 lbs; 238.64 Current DEL
300 head: 825 lbs; 230.00 Jan DEL
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