USDA appoints new Potato Promotion Board members

Published 10:15 am Thursday, December 26, 2024

Eleven newly appointed members to the National Potato Promotion Board include five from the West.

USDA announced the appointment of the board members, whose terms start March 1. Nine producer members and one public member will serve three-year terms, and a producer appointee will serve for two years.

The 82-member board includes 79 potato producers, two importers and a public member. Members can serve up to two consecutive three-year terms.

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service oversees 22 boards, funded by industry assessments, to help ensure fiscal accountability and program integrity, according to an AMS news release.

The potato research and promotion program operates as the National Potato Promotion Board and conducts business as Potatoes USA.

The board — funded by an assessment of 3 cents per hundredweight on potatoes produced in and imported into the U.S. — coordinates market production research, works to establish trade markets and promotes benefits of potatoes around the world to consumers, foodservice operators, retailers and health professionals, according to AMS. Producers of less than five acres are exempt from the assessment.

Producer and importer board members are nominated by their peers. The board nominates the public member. The secretary of agriculture appoints all board members.

New public member:

•Norbert Bomm, Chicago, Ill.

New producer members:

•Thomas Baker, Bakersfield, Calif.

•Andrew J. Price, Center, Colo.

•Ben De Jonge, Manhattan, Mont.

•Nathan Bender, Dyer, Nev.

•Jennifer Bunger, Pasco, Wash.

•Beth Rachut, St. Ansgar, Iowa (two-year term).

•Diane Szawlowski Mullins, Hatfield, Mass.

•Alison Sklarczyk, Johannesburg, Mich.

•Pete Ewing, Big Lake, Minn.

•Matthew Linehan, Guildhall, Vt.
