WDFW ponders response to wolf attacks

Published 9:15 am Friday, January 3, 2025

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is mulling whether to shoot one or two wolves in a pack that has attacked at least six calves and probably attacked six more in southeast Washington over the past five months.

The first attack by the Columbia wolf pack, whose territory is in Columbia County, was documented Aug. 6. The most recent attack was confirmed Dec. 29, Fish and Wildlife said.

The department has documented attacks each month. Two calves have been killed and 10 injured. The calves belonged to four different producers. On Nov. 6, the department determined five calves with old wounds were probably attacked by wolves.

To prevent attacks, ranchers have delayed turning out calves, taken in sick and injured livestock, cleaned up carcasses, placed mineral blocks away from wolves, patrolled herds, and put up lights and flags.

Fish and Wildlife staff said Jan. 2 they will have a recommendation for Director Kelly Susewind in a few days.
