Letter to the editor: The ‘new rule’ for dairy

Published 11:30 am Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Old Rule: Profitable milk demand exceeds the milk supply made by U.S. dairy farmers — make more milk.

The New Rule: The ability of the remaining U.S. dairy farmers to make milk exceeds anyone’s ability to create profitable milk demand — make a disciplined milk supply balanced with profitable milk demand.

The cooperative principle is to allow co-op dairy farmer owner members to work together for their common good and to benefit and preserve as many individual dairy farmer members as possible.

Dairy farmer co-op owner members, who handle 85% of U.S. made milk, need to change their existing co-op management personnel and/or policies and adopt the National Dairy Producers Organization’s co-op management policies which precludes the use of plant-based ingredients, non-member milk and imported dairy ingredients in the products they handle and requires all co-op members to work together and share in a pro-rata, across-the-board, proportional milk reduction, as required, to continuously balance co-op milk intake with profitable demand for member milk, yielding a profitable milk price from the marketplace for most co-op dairy farmer members and thereby preserve as many individual dairy farmer members as possible.

To learn more about NDPO’s co-op management policies which will protect co-op members’ economic interests in the form of a profitable milk price for as many members as possible, contact Mike Eby, NDPO chairman, (717) 799-0057, mikee@ndpo.us, or like us on Facebook-National Dairy Producers Organization, or www.nationaldairyproducersorganization.com

Bob Krucker

Idaho dairy farmer

Jerome, Idaho
