Letter: Salem births a mouse to save the world

Published 12:27 pm Monday, June 17, 2019

In response to the 220-farmer June 14 letter “Climate change is here; we need bold solutions:” Climate change is not here, and no, we don’t. Sorry, AOC. Sorry, Al Gore. Sorry, UN-IPCC.

Does anyone really believe that truth and wisdom come from the Democrat-controlled legislature in Salem? Or from the UN? The letter, incorrectly, links all weather events to “climate change” and supports Oregon’s “Clean Energy Jobs Bill” — a “carbon pricing” program which provides money and/or tax incentives to the writers. We are told, as usual, that climate-change-caused natural disasters are upon us (“will bury us” — those were Khrushchev’s old USSR threats — we are reminded that the goals of many environmentalists are remarkably like those of Marxists everywhere — the watermelon image), that those who say otherwise were “aided by million-dollar disinformation campaigns” (as if only “environmentalists” dealt in truth or acted in good faith), and that only a “small window of time,” “only 11 years,” remains. It is unclear how helping farmers buy supposedly more efficient diesels will save the earth. After the grand introduction, like a Symphonic 2030 (like 2001’s Also Sprach Zarathustra), the mountain — such as the Paris Climate Accords — produces a mouse. The story is from Aesop, best captured by Horace: Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. The mountains were in labor, but brought forth only a ridiculous mouse.

The Oregon legislation is harmful, and will do nothing to “save” the environment. Environmentalists don’t act as if they actually believe their own false predictions. Does anyone really believe that the proposed Oregon legislation will “save the earth?” The authors have written a long letter which it is clear they themselves don’t really believe.

Google “false environmental predictions” and take your pick: there are many lists, e.g. The Federalist’s 2015 “Seven Big Failed Environmental Predictions,” or those in M. Morano’s 2018 Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. We are constantly told this is our “last chance,” like a furniture dealer’s going out of business sales or an aging rock star’s “final” tour.

Those who have paid attention have watched such assertions/predictions, year after year since at least the 1960s, from Paul Ehrlich and the Club of Rome, from such as Al Gore where reality has disproved his “Inconvenient Lies,” and the predictions have proved false over and over.

Most recently, the “11 years” comes from AOC, who has no credibility whatsoever (tending bar gives little environmental expertise — even she now tells us that no one should take her “11 years” literally … but the word has not gotten back to the letter writers). No reasonable person actually believes this “11 year assertion.” “The world is coming to an end: let’s buy a new diesel engine!”

At least Noah built an ark. By associating themselves with AOC’s 11 year prediction, the authors discredit themselves. (Yes, I know the 11 year prediction is from the IPPCC, long since discredited).

Farmers would be well-advised not to trust the assertions and programs coming from D.C. and Olympia/Salem (Seattle/Portland), and from the bartender supposedly from the Bronx (which only merits her a Bronx cheer or, for farmers, raspberry), whose legislators’ desire to control/regulate is matched only by their ignorance.

At least if the world comes to an end, they won’t have to fix PERS.

Alan L. Gallagher

Canby, Ore.
