Letter: Cattle reduce wildfire fuel

Published 12:00 pm Monday, October 26, 2020

Critics tout global warming as the prime cause of the growing number of wildfires in the West. In truth, it’s harassment from them that’s largely led to mismanagement by federal agencies. We can argue and place blame from many sources.

However, as a rancher, I take exception to blaming my cows’ emission of methane as a cause.

Years ago, I was in a face-off with Western Watersheds chief Jon Marvel. He was hellbent on removing cattle from BLM allotments. I told him, “If you are successful and kick all of the cattle off, fuel loads will increase and catastrophic wildfires will result.”

“I would rather have it all burn than have your cows get a mouthful,” was his sarcastic response.

It’s this attitude and their success in court that has led to much of the situation facing us now … speaking of methane.

Michael F. Hanley IV

Jordan Valley, Ore.
