Oregon Wheat Growers League honors Zahl as ‘above and beyond’

Published 1:45 pm Thursday, December 22, 2022

Oregon Wheat Growers League honors Zahl as ‘above and beyond’

{child_byline}Capital Press{/child_byline}

Crop consultant Jerry Zahl recently received the “Above and Beyond” award, the highest honor given by the Oregon Wheat Growers League.

He helped establish working relationships between farmers, scientists, crop consultants, extension agents and administrators, the league said in a press release. “His zealous pursuit of that goal has led him to become the best-recognized advocate for uniting growers with scientists at institutions in all three Pacific Northwest states. Many crop scientists in the region credit their development as a scientist to Jerry’s support and encouragement.”

After nine years as manager of the Copeland Farm, Zahl became an agronomic crop consultant for the Walla Walla Growers Cooperative for 32 years, retiring in 2010.

His clients produced 20,000 acres of crops annually, of which more than 90% were in Oregon. He provided agronomic advice and services to farmers as far south as Pendleton.

Following retirement, Zahl worked as an independent crop consultant for eight years, continuing to serve clients in Oregon.

“If you know Jerry, his strong handshake, bold voice, and desire to connect young families in agriculture across our region, you already know he’s a good man,” said Nathan Rea, of H.T Rea Farming, while presenting the award.

Among Zahl’s accomplishments:

• Advocated for the elimination of agricultural field burning, preferring that the crop residue remain on the fields to improve soil quality.

• Led efforts to identify and address diseased plants found to be infected by wheat soil-borne mosaic virus, which had previously not been known to occur in dryland wheat fields of eastern Oregon or Washington.

• As chair of the Pendleton Station Liaison Committee, he advocated against a 50% reduction in funding for USDA Agricultural Research Service programs at Oregon State University’s research station in Pendleton in 2015. The reduction in funds was removed from the budget.

Oregon Wheat presents the award to individuals who have repeatedly stepped up for Oregon wheat producers and have gone the “extra mile.”
