More women enrolling in college ag programs

Published 9:00 am Friday, December 30, 2022

As more female students study in agricultural colleges, University of Idaho Extension educator Colette DePhelps expects more women in roles as technical assistance providers, beyond university extension, in the overall industry.

Current enrollment for University of Idaho agricultural programs is 64% female. Average female enrollment for 2013-2017 was 59.3%. The average from 2018-2022 is 63.4%.

The percentage of female students increased in the past five years versus the previous five years,” said Carly Schoepflin, director for communications and strategic initiatives in UI’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

“That number seems to be relatively stable. “(We) do not expect that to change dramatically in the next five years.”

At Oregon State University, the percentage of female agricultural students ranged from a low of 55.4% to the current high of 65.1% over the last 10 years, said news editor Sean Nealon.

The percentage of female students receiving agricultural degrees has increased over the last decade at Washington State University, according to the College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences.

The percentage of female students pursuing degrees in agricultural and food systems has ranged from as low as 31% to as high as 51%, and is presently at 49% for the fall 2022 semester.

For integrated plant sciences, the range has been as low as 28% and is presently at a high of 42% for the fall 2022 semester.

For animal sciences, the range is a low of 28% and the current high of 42%.
