Letter: Property rights compromised by power line project

Published 8:27 am Monday, November 14, 2022

We are the target. Who would believe, in the USA, the land of “private property rights,” that an out-of-state corporation can “take” your land, just to make a profit!

If you believe in private property, you should show up at public meeting this Wednesday (the 16th, 6 p.m. at the Gilbert Building at EOU). Tell the agency that is supposed to protect us that they need to “do their job.” As of now, they are signing off on this scam!

This issue affects everyone in Oregon. In our case, it is the profiteering monopoly, Idaho Power Corp., that has plans to gouge a massive 300 mile long clear-cut for 180-foot-tall powerline towers, right on the La Grande skyline or right next to Morgan Lake City Park, and in the process, steal the private and public land of Oregonians.

They plan to bulldoze this monstrosity across farms and ranches, near houses and wildlife areas and more. The effects are huge and horrible, and the corporation only has to pay a tiny pittance, once, to a landowner to forever damage their land. Landowners would have no choice. This is wrong!

The corporation stands to profit about $80 million. Ratepayers will foot the bill. Idaho Power claims the line is needed. It is not. There is no evidence that it is needed and there is a list of better alternatives.

Show up! If you respect our rights, and love Oregon’s private and public lands — make a point of speaking out — join us — our chance to be heard.

Peter Barry

La Grande, Ore.
