Letter: Happy customer likes fruit company

Published 1:53 pm Saturday, November 5, 2022

I’ve subscribed to your newspaper for just a few months but will probably do so until I die. It reminds me of my childhood many years ago and how my grandfather would read the prices of lambs, pork bellies and the like from the Enterprise Courier from Oregon City.

It is a real newspaper that is the only place I’ve found that tells us what we need to know about our most critical industries in the Northwest.

You’ve added another important service to your readers by carrying an insert from Muirhead Canning Co. from The Dalles. I was piqued by the flyer and ordered a case of peaches. My cousin and I picked them up yesterday and I had a couple this morning. They were delicious! Maureen and I will now solicit friends and relatives to buy in bulk and then we’ll pick them up at the factory. We can split cases and permit our friends to share at a reasonable price. Shipping charges are of course steep, but it was a lovely outing and we’ll look forward to doing it next fall.

The folks at the factory are very happy with their new relationship with the Capital Press and say they’ve gotten a lot of business from their inserts. I’m very happy, too.

Jim Kronenberg

Lake Oswego, Ore.
