Washington’s Carstensen joins U.S. Wheat leadership

Published 4:15 pm Thursday, January 23, 2025

Washington wheat farmer Mike Carstensen will join the U.S. Wheat Associates board in July.

Carstensen, a farmer in Lincoln County, is a board member for the Washington Grain Commission. He represents farmers in Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane and Stevens counties.

U.S. Wheat is the overseas marketing arm of the industry. More than 90% of Washington’s wheat crop is exported.

“I think it’s really, really important,” Carstensen told the Capital Press. “Our markets are so important, and U.S. Wheat is the driver in all of that.”

Carstensen was inspired by his father and grandfather’s advocacy for the industry.

“If a bunch of us don’t step up to the plate, what will be left for our kids and grandkids?” he asked.

“Grandpa Henry always said, ‘If you have any complaints, you should be the first one to step up and try to fix those,'” he continued. “In this deal, I don’t really have any complaints; I just think it’s time to step up and help. Hopefully I can bring value to the association.”

The U.S. Wheat board elected officers for the 2025-2026 fiscal year, which runs July to June, during the Jan. 15 meeting in Washington D.C.

Clark Hamilton, of Ririe, Idaho, is the current board chairman. Jim Pellman of McCluskey, N.D., will become chairman during U.S. Wheat’s meeting in Boise, Idaho, in July. Gary Millershaski, of Lakin, Kan., will become vice chairman. Carstensen will join the board as secretary-treasurer. 

Any message to wheat farmers?

“Right now it is not a fun time doing what we do,” Carstensen said. “But gosh, it can only get better from here, I hope. Everybody’s got to pull together and try to do those things we can do to help.”
