National feeder and stocker cattle report

Published 1:45 pm Monday, March 25, 2024



(Federal-State Market News)

St. Joseph, Mo.

March 25


This Week Last Week Last Year

291,700 237,600 218,800

Compared to last week, Feeder Steers and Heifers sold steady to 5.00 higher.

Demand was reported as good to very good. Backgrounders have their eyes set on the fall months of the Feeder Cattle futures and are anxious to own cattle to sell during that time.

Beef production, at 2.17 billion pounds, was 4 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.61 million head, up 3 percent from February 2023.

The average live weight was up 10 pounds from the previous year, at 1,384 pounds. Cattle and calves on feed for the slaughter market in the United States for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 11.8 million head on March 1, 2024. The inventory was 1 percent above March 1, 2023.

Placements in feedlots during February totaled 1.89 million head, 10 percent above 2023. Placements were the highest for February since the series began in 1996.

Despite all numbers being above the year ago comparisons looking back over history the total numbers are much lower than what is typically reported in February which continues to support that beef numbers are still tight and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

Live sales of negotiated cash fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains sold 2.00 higher at 188.00.

In Nebraska, live sales sold 2.00 to 3.00 higher at 190.00, while the dressed sales sold 4.00 higher at 302.00. Choice boxed beef closed the week 1.18 lower at 310.72 while Select was 0.93 lower at 301.47 for the same period.

Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal inspection estimated at 598K, 3K less than last week and 30K less than a year ago. Auction volume this week included 53 percent weighing over 600 lbs and 45 percent heifers.

Northwest Weighted Average Direct Feeder Cattle

Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT

March 22

This Week Last Week Last Year

4783 NA 220

Compared to last week: No trades last week for a trend. Demand good. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (40.6% Steers, 59.4% Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2-3% shrink or equivalent, with up to a 15 cent slide >600 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from ID, UT.

Steers — Medium and Large 1

1820 head: 850 lbs, 242.52 Current FOB

120 head: 825 lbs, 246.00 Current DEL

Heifers — Medium and Large 1

2540 head: 800 lbs, 229.52 Current FOB

63 head: 850 lbs, 228.00 Current DEL

240 head: 600 lbs, 262.00 Current DEL

Northwest Direct —
