State representative says Oregon government ‘unfriendly’ to ag

Published 2:48 pm Monday, March 25, 2024

REDMOND, Ore. — State Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis told a crowd of FFA members that they represent the biggest asset for agriculture in the state, but the government in Salem is a threat to farmers and ranchers.

“It’s well known in the Capitol building that the Legislature is simply unfriendly to agriculture,” she said. “The high tax and regulation environment we’re facing is challenging.”

The Albany Republican, a farmer who also owns a trucking business, was the featured speaker at the Oregon FFA 2024 state convention the night of Saturday, March 23.

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Boshart Davis sketched out a “SWOT analysis” — a business planning method that considers strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

“We have to be honest about the situation in front of us,” she said.

The state doesn’t create an encouraging environment for farmers and doesn’t prioritize agriculture as an economic driver, she said.

Boshart Davis added that threats facing Oregon ag combine to create a weakness, putting it at a competitive disadvantage.

On the positive side, Oregon’s farm diversity is a strength, with more than 220 crops grown in the state.

“We have options here that many states don’t, and our geographic location is ideal for export out of the state or the country,” Boshart Davis said.

As for opportunities, Boshart Davis mentioned the nearly 3,000 blue jackets seated before her.

“You are our greatest asset. With your experience and education you will bring to this industry, you hold the key to Oregon agriculture’s success,” she said.

Boshart Davis added that her generation was the biggest group of cheerleaders for Oregon’s ag youth.

“Lean on us. Learn from us. It will take time and effort and a new generation of leaders. I know a couple thousand who fit the bill,” Boshart Davis said.

Haylen Rouse, of the Santiam Christian FFA chapter, sang the national anthem for the Saturday night session. Boshart Davis said Rouse is not only her niece, but one of her best tractor operators.

The convention was held March 21-24 at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in Redmond, Ore.

The event brought together about 2,900 FFA members, as well as hundreds of parents and educators.
