ONLINE Dan Fulleton Farm Equipment Retirement Auction
THIS WILL BE AN ONLINE AUCTION Visit for full sale list and information Auction Soft Close: Mon., March 3rd, 2025 @ 12:00pm MT Location: 3550 Fulleton Rd. Vale, OR […]
Published 4:15 pm Monday, August 5, 2024
(Federal-State Market News)
St. Joseph, Mo.
Aug. 3
This Week Last Week Last Year
376,200 374,300 347,900
Compared to last week, feeder steers and heifers sold 1.00 to 5.00 lower. Demand was moderate to good, with the best demand seen early week.
The most jaw-dropping news for the most part is the sharp losses on Monday, Thursday and Friday of this week in the CME Cattle Complex. Outside market influences spilled over into the Livestock Complex and deferred Feeder Cattle futures were 11.00 to 12.00 lower on the week, while Live Cattle futures were mostly 6.00 to 7.00 lower for the week.
The Dow closed nearly 1500 pts lower from its mid-week high, while S&P was down around 200 pts. Even an overseas index dropped over 10 pct and their stocks suffered their worst crash since 1987.
Cash fed cattle managed to maintain their level, however, cattle feeders had too many warning signs to ignore this week and slowed their approach to the feeder market. Cattle futures have been under great pressure, mainly from outside market factors, and this has influenced the feeder market at the auction.
Cattle feeders had been incredibly bullish as the fed cattle market moved counter-seasonally, but now with the futures dropping off quickly they are suddenly becoming more cautious. Yearlings are starting to be offered off grass and these are the most highly desired cattle as their gains are the best in the feedyard due to their light flesh condition.
Very hot weather this last week hampered receipts at Midwestern livestock auctions and ranchers are hoping they have enough grass to get through this month.
Live sales of negotiated cash fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains sold 2.00 lower at 188.00, with a few up to 196.00 in Kansas.
In Nebraska, live sales sold steady to 2.00 lower at 196.00 to 198.00, while the dressed sales sold mostly 2.00 lower at 310.00. Cow beef continues to keep support beef prices as fed beef production has kept fed beef production is about the same even though the Steer and Heifer harvest has been cutback in the last three weeks.
With the Cutter cow cutout now only about 5.00 lower than the Select cutout, this is the closest it has been since the summer of 2020. The latest 3-week average of total cattle slaughter is less than 600K this week as ranchers are wondering just how many market-ready cattle are available to the marketplace, especially in the North Plains where there is around a 8.00 to 10.00 premium to the Southern Plains market.
Choice boxed beef closed the week unchanged at 313.77 while Select was 0.29 lower at 297.17 for the same period. Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal inspection was estimated at 593K, 7K less than last week and 22K less than a year ago.
Year to Date Cattle Slaughter is currently 850K less than a year ago. Auction volume this week included 58 percent weighing over 600 lbs and 40 percent heifers.
Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT
Aug. 2
3752 333 1280
Compared to last week: Not enough comparable sales to establish a trend. Demand good. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (42.4% Steers, 57.6% Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2% shrink or equivalent, with a 8-12 cent slide >600 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from ID, NV, OR, UT.
Steers — Medium and Large 1
1150 head: 850 lbs, 244.00 Current FOB
Steers — Medium and Large 1-2
290 head: 869 lbs; 240.00 Current DEL
120 head: 925 lbs; 238.00 Current DEL
Steers — Medium and Large 2
30 head: 775 lbs; 240.00 Sep DEL
Heifers — Medium and Large 1
73 head: 650 lbs; 261.00 Current DEL
74 head: 750 lbs; 240.00 Current DEL
120 head: 875 lbs; 230.00 Current DEL
81 head: 910 lbs; 220.00 Current DEL
Heifers — Medium and Large 1-2
1589 head: 801 lbs; 234.00 Current FOB
120 head: 790 lbs; 230.00 Current DEL
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