National feeder and stocker cattle report

Published 12:45 pm Monday, August 26, 2024



(Federal-State Market News)

St. Joseph, Mo.

Aug. 26


This Week Last Week Last Year

414,600 234,000 431,000

Compared to last week, feeder steers sold 4.00 to 10.00 lower with instances of 15.00 lower and heifers sold 1.00 to 8.00 lower. Demand was moderate to good.

The monthly Cattle on Feed Report was released on Friday and was considered neutral to slightly bearish as actual numbers for on feed and placements were a couple of tenths above the top end of the range of pre-report estimates.

Placements in feedlots during July totaled 1.70 million head, 6% above 2023. Beef production, at 2.29 billion pounds, was 8% above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.72 million head, up 5% from July 2023. The average live weight was up 36 pounds from the previous year, at 1,380 pounds.

The weakness in the CME Live and Feeder Cattle futures contracts carried over into the cash fed cattle market as lower bids from packers were accepted at midweek and went lower as the week progressed.

Live sales of negotiated cash fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains sold 2.00 lower at 183.00. In Nebraska, live sales sold steady at 190.00, while the dressed sales sold from 293.00-295.00, mostly at 295.00.

Choice boxed beef closed the week 0.11 cents lower at 317.34 while Select was 2.11 lower at 300.46 for the same period.

Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal inspection estimated at 608K, 6K more than last week and 18K less than a year ago. Auction volume this week included 56% weighing over 600 lbs and 41% heifers.


Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT

Aug. 23


360 230 660

Compared to last week: Not enough comparable current FOB trades to establish a trend. However, a lower undertone was noted. Demand moderate. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (19.4% Steers, 80.6% Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2% shrink or equivalent, with a 8-14 cent slide >600 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from ID, NV, OR.

Steers — Medium and Large 1-2

70 head: 910 lbs; 208.00 Current DEL

Heifers — Medium and Large 1

95 head: 825 lbs; 224.00 Current DEL

65 head: 885 lbs; 214.00 Current DEL

Heifers — Medium and Large 1-2

65 head: 790 lbs; 205.00 Current DEL

65 head: 810 lbs; 215.00 Current DEL

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