Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 9:45 am Friday, August 23, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.

Aug. 22

In California, milk production is seasonally weaker. However, some handlers indicate preliminary records suggest August 2024 milk output is up year-over-year compared to August 2023, above anticipated volumes, and strengthening compared to last month.

Processors in the Central Valley convey milk volumes continue to be comfortable. Spot milk availability is in line with recent weeks. Class I demand is stronger as many educational institutions have started sessions back up. Class II, III and IV demands are steady.

Farm level milk output is lighter in Arizona. Industry participants indicate tight spot milk availability has not eased. Class I demand is stronger with more educational facilities gearing up to start sessions. Demands for all other Classes are steady.

In New Mexico, milk production and spot volumes are generally in accord with much of the southwest. All Class demands are unchanged.

Handlers report milk production is steady and at anticipated volumes in the Pacific Northwest. Stakeholders suggest spot volumes for the area are looser than elsewhere in the region. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Farm level milk output in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado varies from steady to slightly weaker.

In Idaho, handlers convey lower daytime/nighttime temperatures later this week should improve milk output. Class I demand is stronger as many schools throughout the mountain states have begun sessions this week.

Class II demand is stronger, particularly in Idaho, as some unexpected busier production runs have taken place recently. Class III demand is strengthening further. Spot sellers note sales of above Class III prices. Class IV demand is steady. Industry participants describe cream volumes for the West region mostly as comfortable and looser than other regions in the country. However, spot availability is not excessive either for most of the region.

West region cream sellers convey some requests from Midwest buyers for loads have been turned down. Cream demand is steady. Cream multiples contracted slightly. Condensed skim milk loads are tighter. Condensed skim milk demand is stronger.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf

Fluid Milk and Cream Review – https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
