Western U.S. milk and cream report

Published 1:30 pm Friday, September 6, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.

Sept. 5

In California, milk production has trended higher in recent weeks. Some handlers indicate August 2024 milk output increased compared to July 2024 milk output and is above anticipated volumes in recent weeks.

Industry sources convey milder temperatures have contributed to volumes bouncing back sooner than expected. Unplanned downtime caused some higher inventories for a few processors, making space limitations snugger.

Spot sales are noted at flat Class III pricing. Demands for all Classes are steady.

Handlers in Arizona indicate farm level milk output remains at seasonally weaker volumes. All Class demands are steady.

In New Mexico, temperatures have been more friendly to cow comfort recently. Handlers convey this has contributed to steadier milk volumes compared to other parts of the southwest in recent weeks. All Class demands are unchanged.

In the Pacific Northwest, farm level milk output is weaker. However, milk volumes are meeting processing needs for the area. All Class manufacturing demands are steady.

Milk production in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado is generally steady. A few processors note slightly tight spot milk availability. However, most convey milk volumes are in comfortable balance with manufacturing needs. Class I, III, and IV demands are steady. In reference to Class II milk, some stakeholders convey ice cream producers have bought at minimum levels for much of the season. Cream volumes are looser partly due to the holiday weekend. Although some manufacturers sourced more cream from outside their network than expected, stakeholders convey available spot cream loads covered needs.

Cream demand is mixed. Cream multiples moved lower on the bottom end of both ranges. Condensed skim milk availability is in line with recent weeks. Demand varies from steady to strong.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_1102.pdf
